Dr. Pearson’s books can also be purchased at the Amazon Book Store.
Dr.Rae Pearson's Book Series
Title: Entrepreneurship? Kingdom Building Keys
Written by Alpha Rae Personnel and Training Center Founder and President, Dr. Rae Pearson, Entrepreneurship?
Kingdom Building Keys is a "quick read" business book that provides basic information
and realistic tools for people who want to own their own business. Alpha Rae Personnel and Training Center
Founder and President, Dr. Rae Pearson, uses examples from her own life to show readers how to take steps
toward success as an entrepreneur. The fact that Dr. Pearson has founded and managed a profitable, growing
business for over 25 years lends proven credibility to the guidance provided in this very fine book.
Laying a solid foundation step-by-step.
Entrepreneurship? Kingdom Building Keys lays the groundwork for starting a business by explaining
the requirements and challenges of starting a business as well as providing details on the little
things a budding entrepreneur can do to get up and running as quickly as possible. Information is
presented in a logical, step-by-step, and concise fashion. Chapter titles, summarizing the
organization of the content, are as follows:
Chapter 1: Are You An Entrepreneur?
Chapter 2: Tackling Your Business Plan Step by Step
Chapter 3: Financing Your New Business
Chapter 4: Putting Together Winning Teams
Chapter 5: Finding and Keeping the Best Employees
Chapter 6: Managing Employees: Keeping Politics Out of the Office
Chapter 7: Running a Socially Responsible Business
Chapter 8: Marketing Your Way to Millions
Chapter 9: Figuring Out an Exit Strategy
Sound advice on social responsibility in business.
From setting goals to building a business plan to hiring and keeping the best employees,
Entrepreneurship? Kingdom Building Keys gives sound advice on the basic aspects of starting
or expanding a business. The book offers guidance on how to develop a socially responsible business. Dr.
Pearson also points out how a strong faith in God provided the strength and commitment needed to start
and manage her own business. Last of all, the book points out some basic mistakes many entrepreneurs
make so that readers can avoid those same problems.
Title: Customer Service? Recognizing, Educating and Promoting
Customer Service? Recognizing, Educating and Promoting, by staffing and training firm owner Dr. Rae Pearson, is an invaluable guide to everything you ever wanted to know about customer service. Using her 30 years of experience watching employees handle customer service, Dr. Pearson now shares her most invaluable, tried, and true tips. From whether or not the customer really is always right, to how to make and keep steady customers, Customer Service? Recognizing, Educating and Promoting approaches customer service as one of the most important things you can do in your job. Using these positive business habits makes real sense in today's tough business climate, and Dr. Pearson's straight talk could make a big difference in any business's bottom line.
Entrepreneurship? Kingdom Building Keys is rated a four star book by readers who have purchased it. Both books are available on Amazon.com and on this site through PayPal.
Get advice on how to become an entrepreneur from Alpha Rae Personnel and Training Center Founder and President, Dr. Rae Pearson. Entrepreneurship? Kingdom Building Keys shows how a business dream can become a reality.
Customer Service? Recognizing, Educating and Promoting is an invaluable guide to everything you ever wanted to know about customer service.