Q: How do I submit a job opening?
A: Click on the “Submit a Job” link and follow the easy instructions. If you have questions, contact
us by e-mail or phone and we’ll help you with the process. If you need more help, go to our Contact
Q: Why is my opening not listed in your “Employment Opportunities” section?
A: We handle many more openings than we list on our site. The reason is, for most positions we try to match a specific candidate with a particular opening. Many times this can more easily be done off-line.
Q: I want to schedule training for my current employees. How can I do that?
A: Take a look at our training classes and information in the Training Center section. Call for more information and customized pricing. Call the Alpha Rae Training Center today at (260) 423-3679. Corporate and Group rates are available
Q: As an employer does your firm handle all advertising to help us find “Star” quality candidates?
A: Yes, we source through all resources to find the best talent in your respective field, which may mean that we advertise in many ways; radio, internet, newspapers, etc. All at our expense and without exposing your firm’s name or opening.
Q: We are a firm that looks for six digit executives, would you be able to assist our corporation?
A: Yes, Alpha Rae Personnel has been in existence for 30 years, and have found many executives in major Fortune 100 firms. We handle these searches with sensitivity and customize assessments based on our client’s needs.